michael coons' talks

Below is a list of my past, present and future presentations arranged by year.

129. Ask me anything: graduate studies, professional experience, etc., Math. Club, California State University (Chico, CA), 11/14/2024.
128. Some results in aperiodic order for NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium, California State University (Chico, CA), 10/23/2024. (Home Seminar)
127. A question in aperiodic order for NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium, California State University (Chico, CA), 3/8/2024. (Home Seminar)
126. Towards a classification of regular sequences, Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium, MacEwan University (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada), 1/10/2024. (Invited Talk)
125. Irrational numbers related to the Thue-Morse sequence over powers, II, Pure Mathematics Seminar, California State University (Chico, CA), 11/8/2023. (Home Seminar)
124. Irrational numbers related to the Thue-Morse sequence over powers, I, Pure Mathematics Seminar, California State University (Chico, CA), 11/1/2023. (Home Seminar)
123. Towards a characterisation of regular sequences, Analytic Number Theory and Related Topics, RIMS, University of Kyoto (Kyoto, Japan), 11/10/2023. (Invited Talk)
122. Transcendence: Numbers versus Functions, Matheematics Colloquium, Hirosaki University (Hirosaki, Japan), 3/10/2023. (Invited Talk)
121. Some problems at the interface of number theory and aperiodic order, Aspects of Aperiodic Order, Mathematisches Forschungsinsitut Oberwolfach (Oberwolfach, Germany), 28/8/2023. (Invited Talk)
120. Algebraic aspects of partial logarithms, Pure Mathematics Seminar, California State University (Chico, CA), 4/12/2023. (Home Seminar)
119. What we talk about when we talk about sequences, Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium, California State University (Chico, CA), 24/2/2023. (Home Colloquium)
118. Another variation of the Thue-Morse seqeunce, Pure Mathematics Seminar, California State University (Chico, CA), 4/10/2022. (Home Seminar)
117. A variation on the Thue-Morse seqeunce, Pure Mathematics Seminar, California State University (Chico, CA), 4/10/2022. (Home Seminar)
116. Correlations of the Thue-Morse seqeunce, Aperiodic Tilings--a meeting and mathematical art exhibition in honour of Uwe Grimm, Open University (Milton Keynes, UK), 28/6/2022. (Invited Talk)
115. A spectral theory of regular sequences, Mathematics Colloquium, Aarhus University (Denmark), 7/6/2022. (Invited Talk)
114. Spectral theory of regular sequences, The pursuit of symmetry: A conference in honour of the 80th birthday of Robert V.~Moody, Fields Institute (Toronto, Canada), 28/4/2022. (Invited Talk)
113. Measures associated to regular sequences and their characterisation, Diophantische Approximationen, Mathematisches Forschungsinsitut Oberwolfach (Oberwolfach, Germany), 18/4/2022. (Invited Talk)
112. Measure-theoretic and fractal geometric approaches to finitely-generated matrix semigroups, Applied Mathematics Seminar, Bauhaus University (Weimar, Germany), 24/3/2022. (Invited Talk)
111. A spectral theory of regular sequences, One World Numeration Seminar, https://www.irif.fr/~numeration/OWNS (Online), 8/3/2022. (Invited Talk)
110. Ergodicity and spectral purity of ghost measures, Mini-Symposium on Dynamical Systems and Spectral Theory, Univ. of Bielefeld (Germany), 21/2/2022. (Invited Talk)
109. Patterns, in progress: a regular mathematical journal, Mathematics Colloquium, California State University, Chico (California, USA), 10/2/2022. (Invited Talk)
108. A spectral theory of regular sequences, Aperiodic Order Seminar, University of Bielefeld (Bielefeld, Germany), 14/1/2022. (Invited Talk)
107. Fractal aspects of regular sequences: a paradigm in progress, Number Theory Down Under VIII (Melbourne, VIC), 7/10/2020. (Plenary Address)
106. Some curious infinite products, University of New South Wales Number Theory Seminar (Sydney, NSW), 4/3/2020. (Invited Seminar)
105. Some curious infinite products, Mathematics Colloquium, University of Tasmania (Hobart, TAS), 19/02/2020. (Invited Colloquium)
104. Integer sequences, asymptotics and diffraction, Symmetry in Newcastle, University of Newcastle (Callaghan, NSW), 6/9/2019. (Home Seminar)
103. Integer sequences, asymptotics and diffraction, Pure Mathematics Seminar, University of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW), 16/7/2019. (Invited Talk)
102. A diffraction abstraction distraction, Ergodic Theory, Diophantine Approximation and Related Topics, MATRIX, University of Melbourne (Creswick, VIC), 21/6/2019. (Invited Talk)
101. Scaling of the diffraction measure of \(k\)-free integers, Dynamics and Number Theory, University of Sydney (Sydney, NSW), 14/6/2019. (Keynote Address)
100. Mahler's methods: theorems, speculations and variations, CARMA Colloquium, University of Newcastle (Newcastle, NSW), 14/3/2019. (Home Colloquium)
99. Pi, an irrational love story, Newcastle Maths Students Society, University of Newcastle (Newcastle, NSW), 14/3/2019. (Invited Pi-Day talk)
98. Mahler's methods: theorems, speculations and variations, Informal Workshop on Aperiodic Order, University of Bielfeld (Bielefeld, Germany), 8/12/2018. (Specialised Conference Talk)
97. Mahler's methods: theorems, speculations and variations, Mathematics Colloquium, Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart (Stuttgart, Germany), 29/11/2018. (Invited Colloquium)
96. Mahler's methods: theorems, speculations and variations, Pure Mathematics Colloquium, University of Waterloo (Waterloo, Canada), 5/11/2018. (Invited Colloquium)
95. Stern measures: something more must be done!, Number Theory Seminar, University of York (York, United Kingdom), 17/10/2018. (Invited Talk)
94. One regular problem, Forschungsschwerpunkt Mathematische Modellierung Seminar, University of Bielefeld (Bielefeld, Germany), 21/9/2018. (Invited Talk)
93. Two regular problems, Diophantine approximation and transcendence, CIRM (Luminy, France), 14/9/2018. (Invited Talk)
92. A regular journey at the interface of number theory and computer science, Mathematics Colloquium, University of Bielefeld (Bielefeld, Germany), 24/5/2018. (Invited Colloquium)
91. Regular sequences via a paradigmatic example, Number Theory Seminar, University of Lorraine (Nancy, France), 17/5/2018. (Invited Seminar)
90. Automatic sequences and Mahler's measure, Workshop on Words and Complexity, University of Lyon (Lyon, France), 21/2/2018. (Invited Talk) Slides available from the conference webpage.
89. 2-automatic sequences, Lyapunov exponents and a dynamical analogue of Lehmer's Mahler measure problem, Denmark-Australia Diophantine Approximation Day, University of Aarhus (Aarhus, Denmark), 8/12/2017. (Invited Talk, 60 min.)
88. 2-automatic sequences, Lyapunov exponents and a dynamical analogue of Lehmer's Mahler measure problem, Seminar "Computations and Proofs" at SpecFun, INRIA (Paris, France), 20/11/2017. (Invited Talk, 60 min.)
87. Binary substitutions of constant length and Mahler measures of Borwein polynomials, Jonathan M. Borwein Commemorative Conference (Newcastle, NSW), 26/9/2017. (Invited Talk, 30 min.)
86. A problematic excursion at the interface of number theory and analysis, Diophantine Approximation and Algebraic Curves at BIRS (Banff, AB), 3/7/2017. (Specialised Conference Talk, 25 min.)
Video courtesy of the Banff International Research Station
85. Variations on a theme of Mahler, University of Leiden Algebra and Number Theory Seminar (Leiden, Netherlands), 13/2/2017. (Invited Seminar, 60 min.)
84. An analytic view of transcendence, University of New South Wales Number Theory Seminar (Sydney, NSW), 5/10/2016. (Invited Seminar, 60 min.)
83. The Erdős discrepancy problem, Discrete Mathematics Seminar, University of Newcastle (Callaghan, NSW), 30/3/2016. (Seminar Talk, 50 min.)
82. Minimal growth of some structured \(\pm\)1-sequences, Discrete Mathematics Seminar, University of Newcastle (Callaghan, NSW), 16/3/2016. (Seminar Talk, 50 min.)
81. The benefits of a regular outlook, CARMA Number Theory Seminar (Callaghan, NSW), 20/10/2015. (Home Seminar Talk, 50 min.)
80. Asypmtotics of Mahler functions, The Geometry, Algebra and Analysis of Algebraic Numbers at BIRS (Banff, AB), 4/10/2015. (Specialised Conference Talk, 25 min.)
79. Radial asypmtotics and algebraic independence in Mahler's method, Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science Conference AMMCS-CAIMS 2015 (Waterloo, ON), 12/6/2015. (Invited Talk in Special Session, 20 min.)
78. Algebraic independence results related to an automatic sequence, CMS Summer Meeting (Charlottetown, PEI), 8/6/2015. (Specialised Conference Talk, 25 min.)
77. Hypertranscendence of Stern's function, Dalhousie Univresity Number Theory Seminar (Halifax, NS), 1/6/2015. (Invited Seminar, 50 min.)
76. Algebraic independence results related to an automatic sequence, Workshop on Automatic Sequences, Université de Liège (Liège, Belguim), 26/5/2015. (Specialised Conference Talk, 25 min.)
75. Randomness in digital expansions of real numbers, or not, MSI Number Theory Seminar, ANU (Canberra, ACT), 12/5/2015. (Invited Seminar, 50 min.)
74. Variations on a theme of Mahler, Maths Colloquium, University of Wollongong (Wollongong, NSW), 8/5/2015. (Colloquium, 60 min.)
73. Variations on a theme of Mahler, MSI Colloquium, ANU (Canberra, ACT), 7/5/2015. (Colloquium, 60 min.)
72. A function related to Mahler's method, Algebraic, Number Theoretic and Graph Theoretic Aspects of Dynamical Systems, UNSW (Sydney, NSW), 3/2/2015. (Specialised Conference Talk, 25 min.)
71. Growth degree classification for regular sequences, Number Theory Down Under II (Newcastle, NSW), 25/10/2014. (Specialised Conference Talk, 25 min.)
70. From rational to regular, Victorian Algebra Conference, Monash University (Melbourne, VIC), 3/10/2014. (Specialised Conference Talk, 25 min.)
69. Variations on a theme of Mahler, CARMA Colloquium (Newcastle, NSW), 25/9/2014. (Home Colloquium, 60 min.)
68. Variations on a theme of Mahler, University of New South Wales Number Theory Seminar (Sydney, NSW), 10/9/2014. (Invited Seminar, 60 min.)
67. Research at CARMA, CARMA Retreat 2014 (Newcastle, NSW), 30/8/2014. (Invited Talk, 60 min.)
66. My life in $mathmode$, Australian Mathematical Sciences Student Conference (Newcastle, NSW), 2/7/2014. (Invited Talk, 50 min.)
65. Growth and gaps in regular sequences, Canadian Number Theory Association XIII Meeting (Ottawa, ON), 17/6/2014. (Contributed Talk, 15 min.)
64. Growth and gaps in regular sequences, University of Waterloo (Computer Science) Formal languages and automata seminar (Waterloo, ON), 11/6/2014. (Invited Talk, 50 min.)
63. Transcendence and algebraic independence of regular functions, Number Theory Nosh, University of Calgary (Calgary, AB), 3/6/2014. (Invited Talk, 30 min.)
62. Diophantine approximation: automatic numbers and their generalisations, University of Montana Colloquium (Missoula, MT), 21/5/2014. (Colloquium, 60 min.)
61. Growth and gaps in regular sequences, Pacific Northwest Number Theory Conference (Burnaby, BC), 17/5/2014. (Invited Talk, 30 min.)
60. Mind the gap, Victorian Algebra Conference, University of Melbourne (Melbourne, VIC), 29/11/2013. (Specialised Conference Talk, 25 min.)
59. Mahler and me, a one-sided love story, Australian Mathematical Society Early Career Workshop (Blue Mountain, NSW), 29/9/2013. (Invited Talk, 30 min.)
58. Mahler's Method, digital expansions, and algebraic numbers (or not), Joint UBC--SFU Number Theory Seminar (Burnaby, BC), 26/9/2013. (Invited Talk, 50 min.)
57. Un pas de Mahler (pas de malheur, hein?), CARMA Retreat 2013 (Newcastle, NSW), 17/8/2013. (Invited Talk, 15 min.)
56. Automatic for the people! (if you're a number theorist), University of Newcastle Mathematics Taster Talks (Callaghan, NSW), 8/8/2013. (Talk, 15 min.)
55. Mahler's method: an introspective retrospective, University of Queensland Colloquium (Brisbane, QLD), 27/5/2013. (Invited Colloquium, 45 min.)
54. Arithmetic and Diophantine properties of low-complexity numbers, University of Melbourne Number Theory and Algebra Seminar (Melbourne, VIC), 22/3/2013. (Invited Talk, 60 min.)
53. An arithmetic excursion via Stoneham numbers, Monash University Colloquium (Melbourne, VIC), 21/3/2013. (Invited Colloquium, 60 min.)
52. The rational-transcendental dichotomy of Mahler functions, Optimisation, Analysis and Number Theory Seminar, CARMA (Callaghan, NSW), 15/10/2012. (Talk, 50 min.)
51. A hierarchy of complexity in the context of Mahler's method, CARMA Retreat 2012 (Newcastle East, NSW), 18/8/2012. (Invited Talk, 15 min.)
50. A functional introduction to Mahler's method, CARMA Colloquium (Callaghan, NSW), 9/8/2012. (Invited Talk, 50 min.)
49. A hierarchy of complexity in the context of Mahler's method, Canadian Number Theory Association XII Meeting (Lethbridge, AB), 17/6/2012. (Contributed Talk, 15 min.)
48. On a theorem of Randé, University of Waterloo (Computer Science) Formal languages and automata seminar (Waterloo, ON), 13/6/2012. (Talk, 50 min.)
47. The rational-transcendental dichotomy of Mahler functions, CMS Summer Meeting (Regina, SK), 3/6/2012. (Invited Talk, 30 min.)
46. Rational approximation of Mahler numbers, University of Newcastle Colloquium (Newcastle, NSW), 23/4/2012. (Invited talk, 50 min.)
45. Diophantine approximation of Mahler numbers, University of Lethbridge Colloquium (Lethbridge, AB), 10/4/2012. (Invited Special Colloquium, 50 min.)
44. Rational approximations of regular numbers, University of Waterloo (Computer Science) Formal languages and automata seminar (Waterloo, ON), 4/4/2012. (Talk, 50 min.)
43. Diophantine approximation: automatic numbers and their generalizations, Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria Colloquium (Klosterneuburg, Austria), 23/2/2012. (Invited Colloquium, 45 min.)
42. Diophantine approximation: automatic numbers and their generalizations, State University of New York Colloquium (New Paltz), 14/2/2012. (Invited Colloquium, 50 min.)
41. Diophantine approximation: automatic numbers and their generalizations, University of Waterloo Number Theory Seminar (Waterloo, ON), 2/2/2012. (Talk, 60 min.)
40. Some problems and results concerning Stern's diatomic sequence, University of Waterloo (Computer Science) Formal languages and automata seminar (Waterloo, ON), 18/1/2012. (Talk, 50 min.)
39. An irrationality measure for Mahler numbers, AMS-MAA Joint Mathematical Meetings (Boston, MA), 6/1/2012. (Invited Talk in Special Session, 30 min.)
38. An irrationality measure for Mahler numbers, CMS Winter Meeting (Toronto, ON), 11/12/2011. (Invited Talk in Special Session, 30 min.)
37. New proof of a theorem of Nishioka, University of Toronto Number Theory Seminar (Toronto, ON), 9/11/2011. (Talk, 50 min.)
36. New proof of a theorem of Nishioka, University of Waterloo (Computer Science) Formal languages and automata seminar (Waterloo, ON), 7/11/2011. (Talk, 50 min.)
35. Some problems and results concerning Stern's diatomic sequence, Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science Conference AMMCS-2011 (Waterloo, ON), 27/7/2011. (Invited Talk in Special Session, 30 min.)
34. Rational approximation of automatic and regular numbers II, University of Waterloo (Computer Science) Formal languages and automata seminar (Waterloo, ON), 20/6/2011. (Talk, 50 min.)
33. An irrationality exponent related to Fermat numbers, CMS Summer Meeting (Edmonton, AB), 5/6/2011. (Invited Talk in Special Session, 30 min.)
32. Traversing transcendence: irrationality measures for the rationally minded, University of Lethbridge Colloquium (Lethbridge, AB), 21/4/2011. (Invited Colloquium, 50 min.)
31. On the rational approximation of ruler numbers, University of Waterloo Number Theory Seminar (Waterloo, ON), 24/3/2011. (Talk, 60 min.)
30. Rational approximation of automatic and regular numbers I, University of Waterloo (Computer Science) Formal languages and automata seminar (Waterloo, ON), 4/3/2011. (Talk, 50 min.)
29. On the distribution of \(\Omega(n)\) modulo \(m\), Seventh Midwest Number Theory Conference for Graduate Students and Recent PhDs (Ann Arbor, MI), 13/11/2010. (Talk, 20 min.)
28. The automatic muliplicative Erdős discrepancy problem, University of Waterloo (Computer Science) Formal languages and automata seminar (Waterloo, ON), 5/11/2010. (Talk, 50 min.)
27. Multiplicative functions and the rational--transcendental dichotomy, University of Waterloo Colloquium (Waterloo, ON), 25/10/2010. (Colloquium, 50 min.)
26. Multiplicative functions, transcendence, and automaticity, University of Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar (Lethbridge, AB), 22/7/2010. (Invited Talk, 50 min.)
25. Multiplicative functions and automaticity, Canadian Number Theory Association XI Meeting (Wolfville, NS), 13/7/2010. (Contributed Talk, 15 min.)
24. The Erdős discrepancy problem, Pacific Northwest Number Theory Conference (Burnaby, BC), 9/5/2010. (Talk, 30 min.)
23. The residue class distribution of \(\Omega(n)\), CMS Winter Meeting (Windsor, ON), 7/12/2009. (Invited Talk in Special Session, 30 min.)
22. Some problems and results concerning multiplicative functions, University of Waterloo Number Theory Seminar (Waterloo, ON), 19/11/2009. (Talk, 60 min.)
21. (Non)automaticity of number--theoretic functions, McMaster University Number Theory Seminar (Hamilton, ON), 12/11/2009. (Invited Talk, 60 min.)
20. The Riemann hypothesis: celebrating 150-\(\varepsilon\) years, Fields Institute Postdoctoral Seminar Series (Toronto, ON), 9/11/2009 the 150th anniversary of Riemann's memoir. (Talk, 60 min.)
19. Multiplicative functions and transcendence, AMS Eastern Sectional Meeting at Penn State (State College, PA), 24/10/2009. (Special Session Talk, 30 min.)
18. Parity, primes, and zeta--functions, SFU Mathematics Graduate Research Seminar (Burnaby, BC), 10/2/2009. (Talk, 30 min.)
17. Transcendence and functional equations, Joint UBC--SFU Number Theory Seminar (Burnaby, BC), 15/1/2009. (Talk, 60 min.)
16. (Non)automaticity of number--theoretic functions, Joint UBC--SFU Number Theory Seminar (Burnaby, BC), 9/10/2008. (Talk, 60 min.)
15. Transcendence of various numbers and series, Canadian Number Theory Association X Meeting (Waterloo, ON), 17/7/2008. (Contributed Talk, 15 min.)
14. Some Properties of Completely Multiplicative Signatures, Second Canada--France Congress (Montréal, QC), 4/6/2008. (Special Session Talk, 30 min.)
13. Sums of completely multiplicative signature functions, The Mathematical Interests of Peter Borwein Conference (Burnaby, BC), 15/5/2008. (Invited Talk, 30 min.)
12. A density--residue theorem, Pure Math Graduate Student Conference (Burnaby, BC), 12/10/2007. (Talk, 25 min.)
11. A General Result on Conditionally Convergent Series, SFU Mathematics Graduate Research Seminar (Burnaby, BC), 9/10/2007. (Talk, 30 min.)
10. On the density of integers bi--representable as the sum of two cubes, CECM Summer Meeting (Burnaby, BC), 8/8/2007. (Poster, Second Prize in Poster Competition)
9. The Wonderful World of Primes, CMS--PIMS Summer Math Camp (Burnaby, BC), 5/7/2007. (Invited Talk, 90 min.)
8. On the density of integers bi-representable as the sum of two cubes, CMS--MITACS Joint Conference (Winnipeg, MB), 31/5/2007. (Poster)
7. A "Cubic" Excursion in Additive Number Theory, Western Canadian Conference for Young Researchers in Mathematics (Calgary, AB), 5/5/2007. (Talk, 30 min.)
6. Sequences and Divergent Series, SFU Mathematics Graduate Research Seminar (Burnaby, BC), 8/2/2007. (Talk, 30 min.)
5. General Moment Theorems for Non--Distinct Unrestricted Partitions, Joint UBC--SFU Number Theory Seminar (Burnaby, BC), 19/10/2006. (Talk, 60 min.)
4. The Emergence of Modern Number Theory in Hungary, Hungarian Fulbright Student Conference (Budapest, Hungary), 21/4/2006. (Talk, 30 min.)
3. On the Number of Partitions of an Integer as a Sum of Summands of a General Spectrum, MAA Texas Section (Arlington, TX), 15/4/2005. (Talk, 15 min.)
2. Mathematics of the Heart: Producing Left--Ventricular Pressure--Volume Loops using Cubic Spline Functions, Montana Academy of Sciences (Missoula, MT), 26/5/2003. (Talk, 20 min.)
1. Cordae Tendinae and Contractility in Sheep, University of Montana Conference for Undergraduate Research (Missoula, MT), 5/5/2003. (Poster)